Ground Squirrels: Cute Pests That Pack a Punch

Ground squirrels may seem like adorable creatures, but their presence can wreak havoc on your yard and property. These burrowing pests are not to be underestimated, and understanding their habits and effective control methods is crucial.

Ground Squirrel Basics:

  • Life Span: 5-10 years
  • Weight: 1-3 lbs.
  • Length: 12″-16″
  • Teeth: Four front teeth continuously grow throughout their life, approximately 6″ per year
  • Diet: Omnivores

Ground Squirrel Breeding:

  • Females mature by 1 year old and can breed twice a year (Early Spring and Summer)
  • One litter typically consists of 5-8 squirrels

Identifying a Squirrel Infestation:

Ground squirrels, despite their size, can cause significant property damage, primarily through burrowing. Signs of infestation include:

  • Large holes (5″-6′ in diameter) with kicked-out dirt around openings
  • Burrows ranging from 5′ to 30′ in length, often shared by multiple squirrels
  • Uprooted plants, shrubs, and trees, with nests in root systems
  • Chewed wires, furniture, pillows, pool toys, covers, and sprinklers
  • Burrowing under pools, decks, hardscapes, and patios, leading to unstable bases, cracks, and breaks

Treating Ground Squirrel Infestations:

To effectively address ground squirrel issues, a combination of treatments is often necessary:

  1. Exclusion: Make your property less accessible and desirable by filling burrows, installing metal mesh strategically, and closing openings.
  2. Baiting: Conducted by licensed professionals, this method uses bait stations with lethally coated organic seeds. Regular checks and refills occur, taking 1 to 3 months for effectiveness.
  3. Fumigating: Involves injecting Carbon Monoxide directly into burrows to eliminate ground squirrels humanely. Follow-up visits ensure thorough treatment.
  4. Trapping: Assess and locate problem areas, set traps above ground in high-traffic zones, and regularly check and reset traps until the issue is resolved. This method may take 1 to 3 months.

By understanding ground squirrel behavior and implementing a comprehensive approach, you can protect your yard and property from these seemingly cute but potentially destructive pests.